Google Analytics

As a marketer (and we all are) more information is better.  Google’s event will have folks from all over the country getting together to plan how to get more – and better – information from our shopping habits.

As they have for years, Google Analytics Certified Partners, Premium customers and developers will once again join us in the Bay Area for our annual summit this week. We are constantly working to improve our products based on feedback from our most dedicated users and this event lets us hear directly from our community. We wanted to share an overview of some of the tools and features we’ll discuss at the 2014 summit so that even if you aren’t able to attend, you can about hear what’s next. Enhanced Ecommerce  – Google Analytics Ecommerce data traditionally focused on details about the purchase – transaction details, product details, and others. But, marketers today want to understand the entire customer journey.

Credits: Google Analytics Summit 2014: What’s Next And On The Horizon For Analytics

Do you watch your analytics?  Do you think Google collects too much information already, or should they track more?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!