I received an email this morning from Google highlighting a new function to show a banner (in this case specifically a COVID-19 banner) on your website.

Not everyone is familiar with Google Optimize, so here’s the Cliff Note:  It’s a website add-in installed via web code, which allows you to split-test (some call it A/B test) most anything on your website – like Headline, post/page text, images, etc.  

Optimize will tally the results after you send sufficient traffic to the post/page, and let you know which converts better.  It’s a little more complicated to properly set up than the average web person would be comfortable with, but for those that currently use it regularly, it’s okay I guess. 

Nothing to get excited about for me, I have solutions that don’t require installing code, so my clients can post updates like weather closings, special announcements, etc.   But my geek friends might think it’s cool, so I thought I’d let everyone know.  😉

Here’s a link to Optimize if you want to check it out.  https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/optimize/