UPDATE: Google is now merging Maps, Places and Google+ into what they’re calling “Google+ Local”, so all features can be found in one place.

Google Places

If you aren’t using Google Places to market your business on the web, then you are seriously missing out on an unparalleled opportunity.  A Google Places listing can be one of the most powerful money-making tools you have, and it’s time you claim yours.  Still need some convincing?  Here are ten advantages of using Google Places:

It’s free!  That’s right – your Google Places listing and page won’t cost you anything to set up.  When you consider how strong a tool Google Places is when it comes to web marketing, it’s almost mind blowing to know that you don’t have to pay a cent to use it.

Google Advertising.  Once you have your Google Places page completely set up, you can then take advantage of the array of Google Advertising options available to you.

Customer review forum.  Your Google Places page is an ideal spot for satisfied customers to post glowing testaments for all to see.  It is also a great place for you to publicly handle customer complaints, so that potential customers can see firsthand that you are willing to work with your customers to make them happy.

Google Maps.  Along with your Google Places listing, Google will also place a marker for your business on Google Maps, making it easy for new customers to find you.

Better than the Yellow Pages.  Studies show that over 97 percent of all consumers search the web to find local businesses, making the Yellow Pages nearly obsolete.  If you want to get noticed, you need a business listing on Google Places.

Mobile users.  Most people these days use their smart phones to view the web even more than they use their PCs.  Mobile users have full access to Google Places listings, so you won’t miss out on this valuable market.

Targeted demographics.  It is possible to tweak your Google Places listing so that is it seen by those people who are most likely to visit your page and become your customers.

Virtual business tours.  Google Places is now offering (temporarily on a limited basis) to send a photographer to your place of business to shoot a 360 virtual tour of your establishment.  For customers who are on the fence about visiting your business location, this can be just the push they need.

You might not have a website.  Setting up a business website can cost a considerable amount of time and money.  If you have not yet developed a website, you can just use your (once again, free!) Google Places page as your site.

Google Offers.  Google makes it very easy for you to offer customers who visit your Places page special offers and coupons.  Simply click on the “Google Offers” button, complete the information you want to include, and Google Places will publish the offer to your page.

Take advantage of everything Google+ Local has to offer! Visit http://kenivey.com for details.

The post 10 Advantages of Using Google Places appeared first on Ken Ivey.