Local marketing can be a challenge, especially if you’re entrenched in traditional thinking on the subject.  All too often, I’m approached by frustrated business owners that just aren’t getting results because they’re doing “what they’ve been told” – spending hundreds on “Yellow” or other flavors of directories, television, radio, newspaper ads, etc., etc.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that – and if it works for you, then by all means keep doing it. But quite often my clients haven’t realized that their customers have changed the way they do business – which means that WE have to change the way we attract THEM.

Walmart Does Local at Scale, a Look at Their New Marketing Strategy

With it’s new targeted marketing strategy and e-commerce initiatives, Walmart is primed to redefine retail in 2014.

Local Marketing Lessons From My Barber Shop

I looked around as I sat in the chair at the local barber shop. Suddenly, I had many useful thoughts about local marketing…

This lady’s a little excitable but if you can overlook the goofy attempt to be cool – there’s actually some great advice here.

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The post Local Marketing appeared first on Ken Ivey.