on like bing-bong jack!

So, I got another message from Bing today – you know, the same people who are running the skewed ads poking fun at Google (for doing the same thing Bing’s been doing forever.)

It’s a really cheery “Update” – sounds good so far…  then they drop the Bing Bomb… They’re taking away our ability to post deals or coupons for free.  Presumably, that means either:

  1. You’ll soon have to pay to give away a coupon or
  2. You’ll never be able to post another deal ever.

And that’s supposed to be a good thing?  I just don’t get Microsoft.  Seems like they’re shooting themselves in the foot every time they turn around.  Maybe they’ve been hitting the “Bing-Bong” too hard.


There name sounds a lot like “Google Places” – now called Google+ Local.  Not very original.

The post Hey! It’s on like Bing-Bong, Jack. appeared first on Ken Ivey.